Psycho-Emotional Kinesiology
What psycho-emotional kinesiology allows:
✅ assess your difficulty and determine with you the best direction to take
✅ to search in your history the link with the present problem
✅ to find the most appropriate intervention, in a particular area and necessary to bring about an improvement (structural, energetic, emotional, nutritional, .....)
✅ to restore physical, energetic and mental/emotional balance
🌈Yes, it's powerful and effective indeed!
I have been seeing amazing results for the last 20 years I have given sessions in my office and remotely!
Hello to you!
I am Anne-Laurence Fritsch. I have been specialising in holistic therapies for over 20 years, namely in Professional Kinesiology (PKP) which includes TFH Touch for Health kinesiology, Educational Kinesiology and Psycho-Emotional Kinesiology.
Psycho-Emotional Kinesiology is a more direct and rapid approach to providing solutions for psycho-emotional well-being, with of course beneficial repercussions on physical well-being.
In Psycho-Emotional Kinesiology, the muscle test is performed in the global sense of the person, taking into account these different aspects: physical, mental, emotional.
In this approach, I use the muscle test (or the pendulum and my professional cards for remote sessions) in three different ways
- to assess your difficulty, and determine with you the best direction to take.
- to search in your history any link with the present problem.
- to find the most appropriate intervention, in a particular area necessary to bring about an improvement (structural, energetic, emotional, nutritional, reactivity, polarities, etc.).
As each case is unique, a wide range of corrections is quickly tested to determine the priority.
With this method, the origin of your suffering can be identified, revealed and better understood: e.g.: uneasiness due to family conflicts, professional difficulties, or past suffering that is still active.
Each session will be adapted to your own needs.
Through the muscular test of Kinesiology (or by questioning my pendulum for the remote sessions), I have access to a great data bank constituted by the cellular memory of the body.
- I'll help you to stop identifying with these disorders.
- We'll look together for the means to implement to "get you out of it",
- to create with you a process of transformation that will help you evolve and free yourself from obstacles.
Each personal and individual history is made up of a long series of events to which we can't always give it meaning.
And yet, this considerable law of "cause and effect" which governs our Universe, holds the keys to our personal evolution.
Over time, we have gradually buried in the depths of our Unconscious, the disappointments, grudges, fears, and shames of our lives.
But like fire under the ashes, these emotions continue to live and affect us.
Hence, the numerous functional and painful disorders whose somatic and uncertain origin disconcerts many health practitioners who sometimes feel at a loss.
However, Psycho-Emotional Kinesiology allows us to learn how to deal with our experiences, to help people understand what has been imprinted in their body.
This method gives the necessary means to address the causes or aggravating factors of many disorders.
NB: The session lasts about 1 hour, depending on my feelings and yours
See you soon!
Best regards,
Anne-Laurence Fritsch
By clicking on the button below to order, you will be redirected to a totally secure payment page with the choice to pay by Bankcard or Paypal.
As soon as your payment is made, you will be redirected to my Calendly Page to choose a time slot that suits you best for the Psycho-Emotional kinesiology session.
Instructions for the session are explained on the confirmation page of your booking. You will need an Internet connection, a tablet or PC with a camera, and the free Zoom app.
You will also receive an order of confirmation by email with an attached invoice in PDF format.
Here is my feedback from my distance session with you.
Immediately afterwards, I didn't notice anything special or different, but my relatives found me more relaxed, less aggressive.
However, what surprised me when I woke up the next morning was that I no longer had any pain in my left shoulder. And it's still the case today, so 4 weeks later. So it looks like it worked. Let's hope it lasts. Anyway, thanks for the relief!
Samuel Sandoz
Hello Anne-Laurence,
Thank you for your session which did me a lot of good. It's strange, I feel much less stressed, even relaxed in my head and all my anger is gone!
Samuel Sandoz
Thank you for this session which has really helped my mum. Her headaches are gone and she has more energy and desire. She even went to do some gardening this morning, which is a very good sign!
Samuel Sandoz
Gisele's daughter
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